stoma Academy

Das Berner Konzept zur Behandlung von Weichgewebsdefekten am Zahn und Implantat – Prävention und Therapie von Periimplantitis

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Aktuelle Konzepte des parodontalen Gewebeaufbaus – Regeneration von Knochen und Weichgewebe (inkl. Live-OP und mit LCAF-Technik)

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Stoma® Academy

The Stoma Academy is the academy for continuing education of Stoma / Storz am Mark. It offers all dentists and prospective dentists the opportunity to educate themselves during stoma workshops, to appropriate new techniques or to refresh their knowledge in different disciplines such as periodontics, surgery, conserving treatment, prosthetics, etc.

At stoma hands-on workshops the focus is usually on the large-scale practical part. Under professional guidance of experienced and respected, national as international speakers the participants can train and intensify very close their knowledge that they acquired during the theoretical part. During the workshop, Stoma provides the necessary equipment, such as up-to-date instruments, suture, scalpel blades, etc. on loan and free of charge.

The Stoma Academy is not locally bound. Not only in Liptingen, production site for Stoma instruments, but also nationally and internationally, participants can attend Stoma workshops and fulfill their training requirements. Stoma workshops are recognized and evaluated according to the guidelines of the BZAeK (Chamber of Medical Practitioners) / DGZMK (Association for Dental Medicine) / KZBV (Federation of Sickness Fund Associated Medical Practitioners) in Germany.

Each year the Stoma Academy supports additionally several hundred courses of selected partners with stoma® instruments and consumables such as stoma® suture material or scalpel blades.