With passion for perfection
Product Features
Safescraper® TWIST and Micross are ready to use, sterile and surgical
single-use instruments for the collection of autologous bone. The coll-
ection is very easy and a well accepted method for the patients with a
minimal-invasive technique. The easy to handle single use bone collec-
tors make autologous bone available in small and large harvests. The
collected bone harvests are absorbed sterile in the instrument. They get
stuck and entangled into each other, thus the total compound can be
moved for example with some tweezers. With the bone chips intact vital
osteocytes can be transplanted – ideal to use for bone regeneration.
This manual harvesting technique o ers the best preservation of cell
vitality of the cortical tissue, a fundamental characteristic that allows
the best graft integration and reduces reabsorption activity. Suitable
for all indications in which an augmentative procedure is used with
autologous bone, also for larger harvests.
Angularity for maximum cutting performance
Collection of cortical bone chips in the adequate size and thickness for
bone transplantation
Product Advantages Safescraper® TWIST
A real bone knife
The sharp knife is made of stainless steel. The special shape
allows an easy and quick extraction of cortical bone harvests at the
lowest possible level to conservate the cell
activity,which is indispensable for the im-
plant healing.
Button to prevent accidental opening during
use or at device disposal
New chamber shape that captures bone chips
during the harvesting procedure minimizing
their dispersion. Sealed chamber that separates
the bone tissue collected from the metal blade
and maintains the graft in
maximum sterile conditions until it is used
30 % increased chamber capacity. New side
opening system of the chamber that ensures
stability and provides, when required, an ideal
The spiral
shape increases the
volume of the harvests in comparison to the ablated bone at the 5- to
10-fold – also ideal to use for bone regeneration. A temporary storage
for later use in a transparent chamber under aseptic conditions is pos-
Application Safescraper® TWIST
High Cells Vitality
The manual harvesting technique preserves the cellular
component of the graft. The cortical bone chippings obtained by
the Safescraper® TWIST blade contains living and wellpreserved
bone cells, particularly osteocytes (mean vitality: 45-72%), but also
osteoblasts, osteoclasts and osteoprogenitor cells.
Ideal Morphologie
The average size of the cortical bone chip-
pings collected makes grafting similar to a
bone transplant procedure. The cortical bone
obtained with Safescraper®TWIST looks like a
elongated and convoluted shaving of a mean
length of 1.3 mm and thickness ranging bet-
ween 150 and 250 m.
Volume E ect
The volume increase obtained with the typical
curled shape of the chippings harvested with
Safescraper®TWIST reduces the amount of
bone necessary to fill the defect, and conse-
quently reduces invasiveness for the patient. A
graft of approximately 0.3 cm³ of cortical sha-
ving is su icient to treat a defect that would re-
quire about 1 cm³ of bone obtained with other
harvesting techniques or bone substitute.
Bone Transplant
The cortical chippings obtained with Safescraper®TWIST are recog-
nised by the receiving site as a vital bone multi-transplant, the graft
integrates into the surrounding tissue and takes part in the physio-
logical remodelling process. At 9 months from grafting, a conside-
rable new bone formation by apposition is visible and vital cells are
still found in the grafted cortical portion.
Safescraper® TWIST
Safescraper® TWIST
Product Strengths
• easy to use
• provides an easy and quick method to obtain ideal autologous
cortical bone chips with vital osteocytes
• a minimally invasive technique
Safescraper® TWIST curved,
sterile, single-use, 3 pieces
Safescraper® TWIST straight,
sterile, single-use, 3 pieces
sterile, single-use, 1 piece
Safescraper® TWIST and Micross are single-use instruments in a sterile
single unit. Sterility will be warranted for 3 years, as long as the
package is undamaged and unopened.