Professor Giovanni Zucchelli shows regenerative surgery at Stoma Academy

Module 3 of the popular course series „Soft tissue around teeth and implants: from diagnosis to the surgical treatment” was fully booked. Once more Storz am Mark could welcome Professor Giovanni Zucchelli DDS, PhD for this 2 day workshop in its own Stoma Academy in Liptingen. The participants from Germany, France, Lithuania, Estonia, Morocco and Taiwan were very interested in the lecture of the international well-respected specialist from the University of Bologna.

In this third module “Regenerative Surgery“ Professor Zucchelli presented different bone defects, its surgical treatment and corresponding techniques, e.g. connective tissue graft wall technique, using photos and videos of his clinical cases. The specialist showed the procedure on a pig jaw. Afterwards the participants worked highly concentrated on their own pig jaw to train this technique. The necessary stoma instruments, scalpel blades and suture material were, of course, ready for each participant.

Module 4 is already fully booked. Due to the high demand, the Stoma Academy is organizing a further series on the same topic from January 2018 onwards. There are still places left, for more information please click here.