Great satisfaction among course participants in Bad Oeynhausen

A detailed practical part and a theoretical part with many illustrated clinical cases, ideally also supported by a live surgery; this is the formula for success of the Stoma Academy's hands-on workshops. The courses with speaker Dr. Jochen Tunkel have been very popular with participants for a long time, and he has always conveyed the course content competently in theory, practice and during the live surgeries. "Bone augmentative measures - possibilities, methods and materials" was the title of this well-attended workshop, which was aimed at dentists, oral surgeons and oral and maxillofacial surgeons working in the field of implantology.

In the practical part of this Stoma Academy course, the participants were allowed to practice various techniques using the stoma® instruments of the “Concept of Bad Oeynhausen” as well as selected blades and suture material. In addition, suitable materials were provided by our long-term partners Straumann and Botiss. In their final evaluation, many participants positively emphasized that this hands-on provides a very high benefit for the implementation in their own practice. Dr. Tunkel was also available for questions and discussions during the breaks.

The Bad Oeynhausen instrument concept for oral surgery, periodontology, implantology, and soft tissue management assembled by Dr. Tunkel and Stoma is intended to make it easier for users to equip their practices and thus also to achieve surgical success. More information can also be found at

The stoma® Academy organizes and supports many courses with recognized national and international speakers every year. Please visit us at under "Events" or at under "Courses".

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